No matter how and where you change the Windows JPG file associations, it always opens with Windows Photos?
The solution is easy: Uninstall Windows Photos. It’s an underdeveloped and slow piece of sh… software.
There are many other better tools available such as IrfanView.
But wait, Windows doesn’t even allow you to uninstall Windows Photos.
Why Microsoft, why?
Is it because they are so afraid of third party developers taking over with superior tools where they would lose market share? Really? Are you that afraid Microsoft that IrfanView, a tool developed by one person from Herzegovina is jeopardizing a multi-billion dollar company? You are sick, Microsoft.
Alright, it’s time to uninstall Microsoft Photos anyways with this single trick.
- Press CTRL+X and go to “Windows PowerShell (Admin)”
- Type: “Get-AppxPackage *photos* | Remove-AppxPackage”
With Microsoft Photos gone, Windows now will open your JPG files or whatsoever with the ones associated through IrfanView or any other picture viewer.
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