If you’re a man who’s experiencing problems getting it up, you’ll be thrilled to learn that certain herbs can act as a cure for erectile dysfunction.
Most natural male enhancement pills these days are made using these herbs. Other than sticking to a consistent exercise regimen and avoiding destructive habits, there’s more you can do to keep your health in check. A proper balanced diet is important as well. There are herbs for men that can help you maintain your vitality, strengthen your nervous system and most importantly, enhance your sex drive.
Natural Cures for ED
Any plant that has the ability to cure erectile dysfunction is definitely a plant worth researching.
Scientists stumbled upon certain natural gems while trying to get the perfect erectile dysfunction cure. Before we look at these herbs, it’s worth pointing out how they treat this frustrating issue in men. It’s no secret that testosterone is a man’s most favorite hormone. It not only helps strengthen bones and repair damaged muscles but also plays a key role in maintaining a healthy libido. However, several factors can lead to a reduction of this vital hormone. They include age and environmental traumas.
Herbal Testosterone
Low levels of testosterone lead to some undesirable traits in men. For instance, the risk of heart disease and prostate cancer increases.
Men are also more likely to get depression and anxiety issues. That’s not all: men’s bone density and muscle mass decreases, and their sexual performance plummets. Although there are numerous pills that promise to boost your testosterone, most of them are bogus and are only aimed at denting your wallet.
There are herbs that increase testosterone in men while others act as antioxidants, destroying the free radicals that cause diseases such as prostate cancer. Here are some of these herbs.
Pumpkin Seeds for Men
They are one of the best source of zinc, potassium, magnesium and iron. Zinc is a unique mineral since it helps improve testosterone levels in the body.
One study even suggested that zinc deficiency was the main reason why men had low testosterone. Pumpkin seeds have high amounts of nutrients that are key testosterone boosters. They are also the perfect source of plant proteins which aid in increasing your muscle mass. These seeds are incredible natural male enhancement that offer a cure for erectile dysfunction.
Turmeric for ED
This herb is a powerful antioxidant that helps clear out toxins from the body.
It also soothes irritated muscles and skin. Studies even suggest that turmeric can help patients with urinary difficulties as it eases prostrate issues. There are numerous turmeric extracts available in the market, and it shouldn’t be hard for you to get a bottle for yourself.
Kale Benefits
The highly nutritious plant Kale grows virtually anywhere. It contains high levels of Vitamin C, Vitamin A and fiber.
It also has compounds that help you balance out the hormones in your body. For instance, the phytochemical called indole-3-carbinol contained in kale helps lower the production of Estrogen (the female hormone). It does this by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme responsible for Estrogen production. Consequently, testosterone shoots up. Kale should be lightly steamed so as to preserve all the nutrients.
Fenugreek for Men
This interesting herb is quite common in Mediterranean and Indian cuisines.
The leaves of this plant can be used in food while the seeds can be ground up and used as a spice. The Fenugreek has potent compounds that boost the activity of some enzymes that are responsible for converting cholesterol into testosterone. It is one of the best herbs that increase testosterone in the market.
Garlic for Erectile Dysfunction
This herb contains allicin, an active compound that significantly reduces the production of cortisol (a stress hormone) in the body.
Stress is a major no-no for sexual performance since it reduces testosterone levels. By inhibiting the production of cortisol, garlic promotes the generation of more testosterone and an improved sex drive.
Natural Male Enhancement Herbs
In an effort to find the ultimate erectile dysfunction cure, many men resort to using enhancement pills to help improve their game.
Now, there’s a better alternative in form of natural male enhancement pills. These pills contain naturally occurring ingredients that are safe and have virtually no side effects.
The benefits of black seed oil are simply inexhaustible. Several scientists in Croatia conducted tests to examine the anti-tumor properties of two phytochemicals, thymohydroquinone and thymoquinone, in rodents.